A ginormous shoutout to the ACRM Program Chair, Gylynthia Trotman and the entire Program Committee for their incredible dedication, energy, and attention to detail.
One of the true joys of attending in person meetings is the chance to connect with colleagues in the PAG space, and this is amplified even more for me when I am with my international colleagues. I feel I have more in common with my PAG colleagues from Argentina, Netherlands, the Philippines, and other countries, than many people in my own department. FIGIJ (International Federation of Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology) is the global home for all the national PAG societies and in the past 5 years developed an active Advocacy Committee. I am excited that FIGIJ and NASPAG are now partnering to co-author, co-brand, publish in JPAG, and post in social media and on our website positions so dear to us all. I am thrilled that we have a large group of international attendees coming to this year's ACRM and hope we can find more ways to collaborate.
While most know I am hardly shy, I initially had a hard time making connections when I first attended NASPAG ACRMs, since I did not have a fellowship family and was from a PAG desert (Florida). It was Ellen Rome at a fun run in San Diego that took me under her wing and connected me with opportunities at NASPAG and globally. Now it is my mission to be sure everyone at our meeting feels welcome, has opportunities to become active in our society, and that, unless you want some personal time, no one eats alone at the ACRM! This year we have a welcome reception AND our inaugural gala. You can eat and even dance with your NASPAG family! While I have a love/hate relationship with ribbons on badges, I have requested even more ribbons this year to identify committee chairs and members, SIG leaders, trainees, etc. If you have a lot of ribbons, please reach out to those with few. If you want to be involved with committees and SIGs, in addition to meeting at the committee fair, look for the leaders and pull us aside. We want to support you. Come to our State of NASPAG meeting on Saturday morning to learn how NASPAG is evolving and growing in exciting ways to better serve you, our amazing members!
See you soon!
P.S. For those of you unable to come this year, for whatever reason, know you are missed, and we hope to see you next year in Toronto!