What a whirlwind the past few months have been! I am convinced NASPAG has the most dedicated, engaged, and productive members of any professional society.
Thanks so much to all who answered the member survey sent in September. We have taken your suggestions and feedback to heart. The committees, SIGs, ad hoc working groups and of course the board have been busy!
In response to the survey:
• The website committee has been working with Lisa Rome (our website designer with a last name familiar to many ) and Sam Healy at Talley to redesign the website to be more user-friendly with a more modern layout. While many of our pages are still a work in progress, check out the new and improved homepage and log in to the Members Homepage!
• To provide more opportunities for members to become involved, we are amping up the roles of the SIGs, providing administrative and website support, and developing a SIG-generated webinar series throughout the year. We are planning to enhance the number of committee positions where possible and to improve the committee recruitment process.
• Many of you expressed a desire for billing and coding support as well as practice development. We will be incorporating these elements in various ways, such as webinars and website pages. Additionally, the results of the PAG Physician Practice Survey will be presented at the ACRM, providing information on salaries, call requirements, and RVU targets in our field to assist with hiring and negotiation.
• The Education Committee is working on multiple documents for clinical guidance, with shorter more focused subjects to increase the efficiency of production. Upcoming documents include RED-S, transgender care, vulvar ulcers, and use of tranexamic acid.
This year we have fiscal responsibility as the top priority to make NASPAG sustainable. We need to grow our endowment, and we want to be able to use funds for education initiatives, enhanced adolescent medicine programming, and support, and to provide scholarships for trainees to participate at our meeting and grow our NASPAG family. We have increased transparency about how donations will be used, and improved recognition for those who donate. All donations are placed in interest bearing accounts to maximize their impact. This month we are launching a Growth and Strength fundraising campaign. We appreciate any and all donations, and we now have options for small monthly donations. Take a look at our updated Donations Page and visit our Donors Wall. We’d love to see your name up there too!
Finally, thank you for all you do to support our very special field of Pediatric and adolescent Gynecology through your busy and vital work on NASPAGs committees and SIGs, your devotion to education of fellows and residents, your innovative research, and your fierce advocacy.
Wishing you peace, joy, and a Happy 2024!
Winter Newsletter 2023, Volume 38, Issue 4
Member Spotlight pg. 7-8
Coding Corner pg. 9
Training Ground pg. 10
Reflectng on 2023 pg. 11
Looking Forward to 2024 Pg.12
2023-2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS pg. 13