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Vot-ER training for Reproductive Health Professionals

As part of our continued efforts to engage and empower our patients and families we are excited to share this FREE upcoming training put on by our amazing colleagues at Vot-ER, a nonprofit organization working to integrate civic engagement into healthcare. Please see details about this event below.

This training is focused on sharing Vot-ER’s nonpartisan approach to connecting with patients about voting in their community and help them turn out to vote in their own community with other reproductive health professionals. Join us in learning the step-by-step of how to talk with patients and colleagues about voter registration, answering hard questions, and ultimately setting your patients and colleagues up to build a habit of civic engagement!

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NASPAG Mentoring Families Program

The Mentoring Families working group is excited to announce open enrollment for the 2024-2025 Mentoring Families!!

The NASPAG Anti-racism Committee and NASPAG Research Committee began the Mentoring Families Program with hopes to connect individuals in the field of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology and Adolescent Medicine.  Since its initiation in 2021, the NASPAG Mentoring Families program has continued to expand in size and recognition.

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Coding for Laparoscopy for Endometriosis

It can be hard to know how to code for laparoscopy for endometriosis.

Here are the codes commonly used:

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NEW educational content available: ACRM Plenaries, Fellow’s Boot Camp, and PAGWebEd!

NASPAG is excited to announce NEW educational content available to our members, including FREE access to PAGWebEd, as well as access to the ACRM Plenaries and Fellow’s Boot Camp lectures for a small fee.

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Mothers, Mentors and Mentees


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Present and discuss challenging clinical problems


Resident Education Curriculum in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: The Short Curriculum 4.0

Exposure to pediatric and adolescent gynecology (PAG) varies across residency programs in obstetrics and gynecology, family medicine, and pediatrics, as well as both adolescent medicine and PAG fellowship programs. Nevertheless, these programs are responsible for training residents and fellows and providing opportunities to fulfill PAG learning objectives. To that end, the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology has taken a leadership role in PAG trainee education by creating and maintaining this Short Curriculum. The curriculum outlines specific learning objectives central to PAG education and lists high-yield, concise resources for learners. This updated curriculum replaces the previous 2021 publication with a new focus toward accessible online content and updated resources.

Welcome to NASPAG Poem

Welcome, bienvenidos, bienvenue, welkom
Welcome my NASPAG family to Central Florida
Land of the Seminole, the Tequesta, the Miccosukee
Of Eatonville, the oldest incorporated Black Community in the US
Of Kissimmee con boriquos de Puerto Rico desde las setentas.

Welcome to the warmth, the embrace of our NASPAG community
To the energy and passion of those with a deep sense of the privilege and the responsibility of caring for our youth.
Especially now.
You are in your NASPAG home. You can breathe, renew, restore, engage. Meet new
friends, revel in our shared sense of purpose.
And this year you can even dance.

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Join the Private Practice Special Interest Group!

A question practitioners may ask is whether PAG care can exist in a private practice model or is it better to exist in an academic setting. Many of us have been practicing PAG for years in a private practice setting. We started this SIG to bring together everyone with an interest in private practice PAG.

We want to reach out and be able to mentor physicians finishing residencies, PAG fellowships, and join with those already in practice who are interested in this avenue. We can learn from each other and share keys to successfully practice PAG in private practice.

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Spring Advocacy Committee Update

The Advocacy Committee continues its hard work in the setting of our current sociopolitical climate and all the things that continue to affect reproductive healthcare. This is particularly important for sexuality and gender minority adolescents and young adults. Below is a summary of the committee’s most recent accomplishments and activities:

• Endorsement of ACOG Practice Guideline on OTC Opill (March 2024)

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Spring 2024 Letter from the President

A ginormous shoutout to the ACRM Program Chair, Gylynthia Trotman and the entire Program Committee for their incredible dedication, energy, and attention to detail.

One of the true joys of attending in person meetings is the chance to connect with colleagues in the PAG space, and this is amplified even more for me when I am with my international colleagues. I feel I have more in common with my PAG colleagues from Argentina, Netherlands, the Philippines, and other countries, than many people in my own department. FIGIJ (International Federation of Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology) is the global home for all the national PAG societies and in the past 5 years developed an active Advocacy Committee. I am excited that FIGIJ and NASPAG are now partnering to co-author, co-brand, publish in JPAG, and post in social media and on our website positions so dear to us all. I am thrilled that we have a large group of international attendees coming to this year's ACRM and hope we can find more ways to collaborate.

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ACRM 2024

Our theme for this year was Standing Strong Together to support the reproductive health of our youth. This year’s meeting was developed with a mission focused on action-oriented dissemination of knowledge to affect change. It is with this vision that we worked to create a program with a balance of content that also allows for networking and creative collaboration with leaders in PAG and beyond.

We have an exciting program planned! Our plenary speakers represent a multidisciplinary group of nationally and internationally renowned leaders discussing essential topics:

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NEW Coding Resources!

Special thanks to Dr. Jennifer Bercaw-Pratt for providing the following coding resources: 

How to maximize billing and coding for PAG (Jennifer Bercaw-Pratt, MD, Angela Hernandez, MD, and Lisa Moon, MD)

  • Explain how medical care is reimbursed to providers via the Medicare Fee Schedule.

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Celebrating International Women's Day!

NASPAG wholeheartedly advocates for unrestricted, unbiased, and evidence-based medical care for all young women

Coding for Laparoscopic Adnexal Surgery

Release of Opill

NASPAG celebrate the release of Opill. The first daily over the counter oral contraceptive available without a prescription—now shipping to retail pharmacies. See the press release below:

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Member Spotlight - Amanda French

Join a Naspag Special Interest Group!

Did you know you can get involved with Naspag through a Special Interest Group?

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGS) are a great way for NASPAG Members to get involved in the organization, and are a great addition to a C.V.  Here are the NASPAG SIGS open to new members:

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New Surgical Video in the LMS

Have you logged into the LMS recently?  

There's a new surgical video available.

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Winter Newsletter - Letter from the President

What a whirlwind the past few months have been! I am convinced NASPAG has the most dedicated, engaged, and productive members of any professional society.

Thanks so much to all who answered the member survey sent in September. We have taken your suggestions and feedback to heart. The committees, SIGs, ad hoc working groups and of course the board have been busy!

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