Websites of Interest

Professional Organizations


American Academy of Family Physicians
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
American Medical Association
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals Adolescent Health Resource Center:
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of (A credible and up-to-date sexual health information site for parents, teens and professionals) 
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine



Advocates for Youth
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Campaign For Our Children 
Center for Health and Health Care in Schools
Child Trends, Inc.:
Healthy Teen Network:
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health 
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
National Women's Health Resource Center
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Sex Information and Education Council of the United States

Governmental Organizations

Administration for Children & Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau
Federal Office of Population Affairs
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Patient Resources

Boston LEAH: (Maintained by Children's Hospital Boston's Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Program)
Center for Young Women's Health, Children's Hospital Boston:
Go Ask Alice!:
Sex Etc. - a website by teens for teens:


Contraception Resources

Other Resources

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology:(An essential resource for the libraries of OB/GYN specialists, as well as pediatricians and primary care physicians)

The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women's Health
