Training Ground

Your passions should fit you exactly, but your purpose in life should exceed you." - Kevin Kelly

The holidays can be a magical time, but it’s important to be mindful that it also might be a challenging season. The days are shorter, and sunlight is sparse. As a learner, the holidays might look different than previous years with sacrifices for our careers, and professional goals.

Consider some ways to embrace the season perhaps, atypically.

  1. Make. Time. For. Your. Family - You might not be able to spend every typical holiday together, but the time off should focus on relaxation and rejuvenation - Create new memories that will help sustain you until the next visit.
  2. Get creative with your schedule - Holidays can be celebrated on different days than what the calendar dictates. - Facetime and family Zoom sessions to bring you together from afar. - Maximizing weekends to extend a vacation block.
  3. Find ways to “fill your cup”. Whatever your personal passions are, make time and get back to your basics.
  4. Remember your professional “Why”. - This is good time of year to remember why you chose medicine, or revisit a memorable patient that made the hard work, long hours, and exhaustion 110% worth it.
  5. Check in on colleagues, who are likely encountering a similar experience. - You are not alone. -

Lastly, as the new year approaches, it is always a good time to review the first half of the academic year and perhaps reassess unmet goals or ignite some passions that may have gone unpursued.

Improve your Physical Health:

  • Setting daily step goals, trying a new exercise routine, cleaner eating, or better sleep hygiene.
Work Life Balance:
  • Reading for fun, or devoting a small amount of allocated time to a personal hobby.

Professional Growth:

  • Are there some aspects of your research that might need expedited or consider recruiting a medical student to help ease the load and allow the opportunity to learn how the research process works!
  • Is there a spring or summer conference you have been thinking about? Join NASPAG for our 2025 ACRM!
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